The Living Yearbook of East Brunswick High School

EBHS Bear Hub

The Living Yearbook of East Brunswick High School

EBHS Bear Hub

The Living Yearbook of East Brunswick High School

EBHS Bear Hub


Do you think homeroom is making an impact on school spirit?

  • I have infiltrated an alternate homeroom where I indeed am quite spirited. (3%, 1 Votes)
  • I was asleep in homeroom so I don't know.... (47%, 16 Votes)
  • Yes, because I feel pressured to participate to not let my homeroom down. (6%, 2 Votes)
  • I don't know about school spirit, but I know I want COOKIES (21%, 7 Votes)
  • Yes, I love seeing my homeroom and planning spirit stuff together. (24%, 8 Votes)

Total Voters: 30

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Serving Up Support on the Court

Take a glance at the EBHS girls’ volleyball team on and off the court.
John Jones
Seniors Kasey Trzaska, Julia Gawel, and Abby Wolfe work together to help senior Morgan Stoner to score a point for their team against Hillsborough.

The girls’ volleyball team served up a successful 2023 season on the court; however, the experience off the court is what proved to be most memorable for the players this year. With an impressive record of 14-6 and 9-3 in the GMC, the athletes had another memorable season.

Senior Abby Wolfe, who finished her final season playing on the EBHS volleyball team this year, explained how before the season began she was “nervous to lead the team along with the other seniors.” She expressed the pressure she was feeling saying, “we have had great seniors in the past who have pushed us and taught us about unity and grit” and she was worried about not being that same kind of role model. After a season full of laughs and fond memories, Abby came to realize that she had nothing to worry about because “these girls were the most determined people [she had] ever worked with” and they were so warm and welcoming to her leadership.

Victories are nice, but it was actually the close-knit bonds and relationships forged off the court that stuck with the players most. For many EBHS sports, it is tradition to have a pre-season pasta party to celebrate the upcoming season and spend quality time with teammates. For these players, no topic is too below the net for the dinner table. When I asked Selena about the tea spilled at the pasta party, she laughed knowingly and said she “could tell [her team] anything”. Even their most embarrassing moments are revealed while passing around the fettuccine alfredo (which may or may not end up on the bathroom wall). For Selena and the other athletes, what they take away from the season is less about the number on the scoreboard and more about the laughs and linguini.

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About the Contributor
Rebecca Post
Rebecca Post, Bear Hub Staff
Rebecca Post is a senior at East Brunswick High School. She has been playing softball for over a decade and currently plays with the EBHS team. In her free time she loves to read, binge movies and television, and spend time with her friends. Her favorite genres of books and movies include fantasy, dystopian, science fiction, or any type of story that transports her to another world. On days when she is not busy, she enjoys practicing and playing various Taylor Swift songs on the piano. Her favorite way to end the day is having a debrief session about the last 24 hours with her twin sister Elisabeth.