The Living Yearbook of East Brunswick High School

EBHS Bear Hub

The Living Yearbook of East Brunswick High School

EBHS Bear Hub

The Living Yearbook of East Brunswick High School

EBHS Bear Hub


Do you think homeroom is making an impact on school spirit?

  • I have infiltrated an alternate homeroom where I indeed am quite spirited. (3%, 1 Votes)
  • Yes, because I feel pressured to participate to not let my homeroom down. (6%, 2 Votes)
  • I don't know about school spirit, but I know I want COOKIES (21%, 7 Votes)
  • Yes, I love seeing my homeroom and planning spirit stuff together. (24%, 8 Votes)
  • I was asleep in homeroom so I don't know.... (47%, 16 Votes)

Total Voters: 30

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Senior Assassin 2024: Killing the End of Senior Year

One of the most anticipated events of senior year has finally arrived.
Seniors Miranda Peer and Layla Sheikh pose for a photo after Miranda gets Layla out.

The time is finally here, the game that underclassmen have waited excitedly four years for: Senior Assassin. A tradition that has been going on at EBHS since the 1980s, the class of 2024 prepares to pelt one another with water balloons in order to win both a monetary prize, and the biggest prize of all: bragging rights and becoming an EBHS legend.
“I have been waiting to play senior assassin since I was a freshman and my brother and sister were playing. It was my goal to last longer than they did in the game, and I did!” says senior Elisabeth Post. Along with so many other students, they have been anticipating this game for their entire high school careers, and what better way to end it than by participating in such a beloved event.
Senior Layla Sheikh shares her experience with the game saying, “even though we are all trying to hit each other with water balloons, I feel like this game has been such a great way for our graduating class to bond one last time before we leave.” With the random target assignments, many students get assigned classmates that they don’t know very well, and suddenly they are forced to learn more about this person in order to get their target out. After every kill, the seniors can be seen laughing about it and wishing them luck in the further rounds and through these small interactions students who were previously not friends now are.
Following every kill comes a post on the senior assassin Instagram page, where seniors and underclassmen can follow along with the progress of the game. A competitive game that should seemingly end in fights, instead ends with laughs and memories that these seniors will remember forever.

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About the Contributor
Rebecca Post
Rebecca Post, Bear Hub Staff
Rebecca Post is a senior at East Brunswick High School. She has been playing softball for over a decade and currently plays with the EBHS team. In her free time she loves to read, binge movies and television, and spend time with her friends. Her favorite genres of books and movies include fantasy, dystopian, science fiction, or any type of story that transports her to another world. On days when she is not busy, she enjoys practicing and playing various Taylor Swift songs on the piano. Her favorite way to end the day is having a debrief session about the last 24 hours with her twin sister Elisabeth.