The Living Yearbook of East Brunswick High School

EBHS Bear Hub

The Living Yearbook of East Brunswick High School

EBHS Bear Hub

The Living Yearbook of East Brunswick High School

EBHS Bear Hub


Do you think homeroom is making an impact on school spirit?

  • I have infiltrated an alternate homeroom where I indeed am quite spirited. (3%, 1 Votes)
  • Yes, I love seeing my homeroom and planning spirit stuff together. (24%, 8 Votes)
  • Yes, because I feel pressured to participate to not let my homeroom down. (6%, 2 Votes)
  • I was asleep in homeroom so I don't know.... (47%, 16 Votes)
  • I don't know about school spirit, but I know I want COOKIES (21%, 7 Votes)

Total Voters: 30

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Making English class more than reading and writing

Discover the close, interactive, and enjoyable environment of the EBHS English Department
Diya Bajaj
Ms. Rocha giving her student Kaila Holman (11) feedback on a writing assignment in English 11.

The English department at EBHS is more than an academic department, is a close-knit group of teachers who work to give their students the best education possible in an enjoyable and interactive way. When they’re not trading riddles and jokes in their Whatsapp group chat, they spend a significant amount of time, in and outside of school, reading and discussing books to collaborate on activity ideas, Their bond and collaboration makes the department special and as successful as it is at preparing students.

The EBHS English curriculum has always been inspired by diverse, classic and contemporary literary voices that can enrich students’ lives. Recently, the department has changed the 12th grade curriculum in response to the teachers’ new goals for upcoming graduates. Ms. Powers shared that the team wanted to model the curriculum off of college courses, where students enroll in thematically based classes in which they write about a central topic of interest. This year, some “special topics” include Music & the Arts, Sports Literature, and Social Justice and Constancy, among others. This new structure allows teachers to get creative in their course design, while also offering seniors more choices. The department also now offers AP Seminar, a research based course, to juniors and it may also be open to seniors next year. Over the years, the teachers have been doing a great job engaging their students in various activities. Senior Matthew Grygorcewicz shared that he did a conspiracy theory convention which he really enjoyed because his teacher “decorated the classroom and got [the students] microphones to present.” Activities like these and the interactive classroom environment allows students to strengthen their English skills and capture the values and benefits of the department.

Two students are in an engaging discussion in Ms. Kenney-Stein’s AP Literature class. (Kanishka Sarswat)

With the current state of AI in schools, teachers are prompted to think about the future of their classrooms and teaching styles. Especially with the prospect of a potential new high school, the possibilities for improved classroom environments are on teachers’ minds. Ms. Soder shared that she hopes classrooms will have “more flexible seating [to allow] easy access to creative and engaging lessons where students can have fun and interact with each other.” These new plans will work to benefit not only the teachers and students, but the department as a whole.

Mr. Janson, a new teacher who credited the English department as the “best department to grow in and improve his craft”, smiling for the camera. (Kanishka Sarswat)
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About the Contributor
Diya Bajaj
Diya Bajaj, Bear Hub Staff
Diya is a junior at East Brunswick High School. Her hobbies include reading, baking, binging Gilmore Girls on Netflix, and running. You can find her running everyday after school at the EBHS track; she is a distance runner for the track team. When she's not running and she's out of the house, she enjoys going out with her friends to the mall or Playa Bowls and going to the Ocean Grove beach with her family. Since 2020, her family has had a yearly tradition of spending a summer weekend at a local inn in Ocean Grove.