The Living Yearbook of East Brunswick High School

EBHS Bear Hub

The Living Yearbook of East Brunswick High School

EBHS Bear Hub

The Living Yearbook of East Brunswick High School

EBHS Bear Hub


Do you think homeroom is making an impact on school spirit?

  • I don't know about school spirit, but I know I want COOKIES (21%, 7 Votes)
  • Yes, because I feel pressured to participate to not let my homeroom down. (6%, 2 Votes)
  • I was asleep in homeroom so I don't know.... (47%, 16 Votes)
  • Yes, I love seeing my homeroom and planning spirit stuff together. (24%, 8 Votes)
  • I have infiltrated an alternate homeroom where I indeed am quite spirited. (3%, 1 Votes)

Total Voters: 30

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    Venturing Through Borders

    See how the Foreign Language Department is helping transport students across countries.
    Juniors Maddie Zeh, Allison Ridlovsky, and Erica Bronfen pose for a quick photo at the Italian Honor Society Meeting.

    The 1900s hallway is a vibrant international portal into various cultures and countries with the muffled tunes of “Brividi” and “La Vie En Rose” as a welcomed soundtrack. The distinct colors of each country’s flag lines the hallways, welcoming students into the foreign language department.
    This year, the foreign language department is working to help better immerse students into their respective cultures. Italian teacher Signora Spagnuolo shared the importance of encouraging new interest for language classes, which is why a brand new Italian 1 class has been introduced this year. In a building typically only offering higher level Italian classes, the introduction of this class encourages students to pack their “bags” and step aboard a trip to learn about new cultures. Foreign language classes are all about unique and exciting experiences, and the introduction of the new PASCH network for the German language classes proves to be an effective way of helping immerse students into their cultures. German teacher Frau Franco explains how the “international network provides schools with assistance and programs for students and teachers such as contests, study trips to Germany, instructional materials, professional development, and more.” This provides a unique resource for German students as Frau Franco excitedly expresses that EBHS is one of “only 14 High Schools in all of the US” that offers the PASCH network.
    On trips to both Germany and Italy, students are exposed to their languages in new and authentic ways. While these trips are obviously enticing ways to learn about cultures, not all students are able to participate. This is no problem though, as the teachers pilot their students to various countries and regions inside the classroom. Junior Diya Bajaj shares how the music in Madame Williams is “the type of peaceful music which would typically be playing in Paris cafes.” She says that the classroom environment transports her and “makes [her] feel French.” Junior Triviana Girgis notes how over her years of taking Spanish at the high school she has “been able to gain more knowledge about the various Spanish speaking countries” as well as “understand the culture and specific traditions more deeply” due to emphasis her classes have put on examining countries and culture. The strides that EBHS and the foreign language teachers are making to improve passion and excitement towards languages are helping keep the true values of the foreign language department.

    BELOW Juniors Erica Bronfen, Gabby Bagala, and Jada Harris smile before their AP Italian Midterm.
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    About the Contributor
    Rebecca Post
    Rebecca Post, Bear Hub Staff
    Rebecca Post is a senior at East Brunswick High School. She has been playing softball for over a decade and currently plays with the EBHS team. In her free time she loves to read, binge movies and television, and spend time with her friends. Her favorite genres of books and movies include fantasy, dystopian, science fiction, or any type of story that transports her to another world. On days when she is not busy, she enjoys practicing and playing various Taylor Swift songs on the piano. Her favorite way to end the day is having a debrief session about the last 24 hours with her twin sister Elisabeth.