The Living Yearbook of East Brunswick High School

EBHS Bear Hub

The Living Yearbook of East Brunswick High School

EBHS Bear Hub

The Living Yearbook of East Brunswick High School

EBHS Bear Hub


Do you think homeroom is making an impact on school spirit?

  • Yes, I love seeing my homeroom and planning spirit stuff together. (24%, 8 Votes)
  • Yes, because I feel pressured to participate to not let my homeroom down. (6%, 2 Votes)
  • I was asleep in homeroom so I don't know.... (47%, 16 Votes)
  • I have infiltrated an alternate homeroom where I indeed am quite spirited. (3%, 1 Votes)
  • I don't know about school spirit, but I know I want COOKIES (21%, 7 Votes)

Total Voters: 30

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Cracking The Code – AP Prep

This is the moment you’ve been waiting for.
Students Anika Bahiriwani, Rebecca Post, Layla Sheikh, Diya Bajaj studying diligently for their AP tests.

As the sun peeks over EBHS, a sense of anticipation hums through the hallways. It’s finally AP test week. The sun is barely out as caffeine-fueled students forge through their notes, ready to wage battles against their AP tests. After months of preparation, it feels like this is finally the moment they’ve been waiting for. The adrenaline soon sets in, and you realize something– you’re doomed. At least that’s what it can feel like, for many, anyways. So, how does one deal with the pure terror caused by this sort of academic pursuit? Well, let’s lay down some ground rules:

Don’t underestimate yourself: Due to how popular APs are at EBHS, it can often feel like you’re just another individual who blends into the crowd. But have pride in yourself for overtaking the challenge of an AP class in the first place!

The score isn’t going to determine your intelligence: It’s not uncommon for students to value AP test scores a lot more than they should, but in truth, not everyone’s going to get a 5, or even a 4. But that doesn’t take away from the knowledge you truly gained from an AP class.

In the end, AP tests aren’t testing for your smartness, but rather your strategy for the test itself, despite the subject. And according to Mrs. Cunningham, “The experience of an AP class is worth more than a number, so no matter what you walk out with that day, value all that you gained throughout the year.”

See it as an adventure, rather than an annihilation of your self-confidence: Listen, get some sleep, take care of yourself, plan out your reviews. But most importantly, the AP tests are always gonna be stressful, so try not to cram last minute or make yourself feel worse. Even if you get a 1, you’ll still have learned a lot from the class and the experience. And in the words of senior Layla Sheikh, “Prioritize your mental health, and don’t drive yourself crazy trying to learn the entire curriculum in one night.”

Be confident in yourself, and have a pleasant test-taking experience. Good Luck!

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