Raise Your Real-Life Hand

Asking Questions In Person


Statistics Teacher Ms. Hughes helps Ysabella Sapienza, 12, with the empirical formula. “Definitely physically in class, for sure” Ms. Hughes says, when asked where students ask the most questions.

Morgan Cooper, Bear Hub Staff

Last year, asking questions on Microsoft Teams meetings was an interesting experience. Students had the opportunity to raise their virtual hands to be called on, they could type in chat, or they could directly interact with the teacher via Teams messages or emails. However, one of the things few students had the option to do was to ask questions in person.

Especially in classes where a lot of the work is based on formulas and equations, like math classes, physics, and chemistry, it can be a whole lot easier to ask questions and be shown the answer on the board. Mrs. Hughes, a statistics teacher here at EBHS, says “I think being in class physically, it holds the students to a higher standard, knowing that the teacher is walking around, checking in with them, seeing that they’re doing their work, and it gives a sense of community to the classroom.” Asking questions in person is an experience that was overlooked pre-pandemic, and is a luxury students should enjoy.