“Just Because”

For the past month and a half Mrs.Moskowitz class has been making baked goods for the teachers to show their appreciation for all their hard work and dedication they put in.


Sam F

Final product of the gifts teachers received from the students of Just Because

Sam Fox, Bear Hub Staff

The students started by shaping cookie dough, then baked and adorned them with different colors and flavors of icing. Not only did the class get to enjoy making and eating fresh sugar cookies, they had the opportunity to bond with each other and do an act of kindness for the teachers of our school.

I asked Mrs. Soder, an English teacher, how she thought this was an act of kindness. She responded with “It’s a great act of kindness because of all the time and effort the kids put into making the Just Because treats. I still have some of the gifts from previous years’ Just Because in my room.” The final product consisted of a pencil holder filled with sweets such as candy canes, lollipops and cookies they baked.