Spilling the Chai

Spilling the Chai

Hi guys, my name is Diya Bajaj and I’m a junior at East Brunswick High School. I have always been interested in exploring my culture and sharing aspects of it with others. I think learning about cultures is valuable because it allows us to take part in unique customs and enjoy traditional elements, as well as spreading diversity.

Cultures also have a lot to offer, such as Indian culture through the variety of holidays, entertaining movies, and diverse food. Overtime, the popularity of aspects of the culture has expanded as people worldwide have become familiar with it. For example, Indian tea which is known as chai is widely enjoyed throughout the US and sold in mainstream cafes like Starbucks. As traditional Indian drinks like chai as well as food and activities have spread to the US, Americans have began to discover and enjoy elements of what makes India special.

In addition to exploring interesting integrations of Indian society into the US, I will share some interesting things about the experience of growing up in India and explore traditional music. I hope you are ready to spill the chai with me!

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