The Living Yearbook of East Brunswick High School

Week(end) 3: Coffee and the Raritan River

June 8, 2023

This weekend (6/4) I took a little trip to a coffee spot down in Highland Park called Penstock Coffee. I am not the most knowledgeable when it comes to coffee, but for those who are, this is a great place as they have different types of roasts from all around the world. From the inside and out, the cafe aesthetics are gorgeous– rustic and clean– and it’s a perfect date spot in my opinion. I tried their maple syrup iced coffee, and it was delicious. I do admit, it was a little bit more expensive than other coffee shops are, but the experience was definitely worth it.

After making a stop at Penstock, I walked down to Donaldson Park, it took me about ten minutes to get there, Google says it’s thirteen minutes, but if you have the spirit of a New Yorker, you could probably make it in five. The park itself was a little bit wet, there were splotches of mud everywhere, and if you do trek through the trees and onto the shore of the Raritan, do NOT make the same mistake I made and wear flats. Other than the wetness, which I’m sure is a seasonal thing, it’s a nice place to have a picnic with friends or just bask in the wet sand and watch the geese.

This will, unfortunately, be my last post for this school year, perhaps if I can pull a few strings I can continue this series next year. I will try my best to publish a few more of these on the mini-blogging siteĀ tumblr, under the userĀ rabiacore, but for now, this is the end of this series. So no matter where you spend your weekend (or summer), make sure to have fun!

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