The Living Yearbook of East Brunswick High School

Are Podcasts Taking Over?

May 25, 2023


Easy access and quick production have made the podcast scene erupt in the past few years. There are 464.7 million podcast listeners worldwide, which roughly equates to 22% of all internet users. This number has increased by over 40 million listeners in the past year alone. As attention spans grow shorter with each generation, it seems that podcasts have taken over traditional reading because they are so dynamic. Podcasts have the ability to be produced in a mere few days, which increases their relevance and their agility in covering current events and recent issues. Podcasts are also particularly flexible, running from minutes to hours, being listened to while cleaning the kitchen, doing your homework, or getting ready in the morning. Allowing individuals to learn something new while efficiently checking off tasks, explains the reason why podcasts have grown so favorable in this day and age to a traditional book. This playlist is composed of various podcast episodes, ranging from crime to language, which have been favored by magazines and East Brunswick High School students. Marc Fennell, host of Stuff the British Stole, takes the listener on a wild ride, as each episode he discusses artifacts, among other things, which have been stolen during the height of the British empire, and where they are today. Crime Show, hosted by Gimlet Media, explores a fascinating story about people, and sometimes crime, in a mere 40 minutes, each with its own unique twist. Philosophy Bites, a UK hosted podcast, discusses and debates thinkers and thoughts, such as Plato and Cicero, that have shaped our world view, to what it has become today. Written and produced by Sarah Nolen, Red Frontier, a science fiction podcast, journeys with Commander Taylor Fullerton on her mission to colonize Mars, following the mysterious death of her crew. Speaking on the latest current events and its underlying scientific principles, Dope Labs, from Spotify Studios, hopes to bring out the inner scientist in everybody. The New Yorker Fiction, casts light upon former short stories in the New Yorker, and the succession of fictional writing among Americans with the magazine’s fictional editor. Click the link below to check it out!

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