The Living Yearbook of East Brunswick High School

The EBHS Student Weekend Guide: Week(end) 1

May 10, 2023

This weekend (5/6 and 5/7), I went to Boyd Park in New Brunswick, its stretches across the Raritan River and is a nice fishing spot for those who fish. It’s not a busy place, unlike the nearby Johnson Park, which was quite full. It’s a smaller park than Johnson but it’s still unique from it. Boyd has a large amphitheater that overlooks the Raritan and it’s a perfect spot to just chill and talk!

And I didn’t forget my pollen-allergic acquaintances! If you’re an art history nerd, then there’s a secret nestled right next to Johnson Park you need to visit – Cornelius Low House. It’s the house of a wealthy Dutch merchant turned into a museum. From April 1st to June 30th they have the portraits of traveling artist, Micah Williams, who has 272 known paintings (only 30 are on display). There are displays of some of his art materials and you can even make portraits with his most used medium. One thing I especially liked was a carriage safe that you can try to open. You’re given the key, but the lock is hidden, which makes it a wee bit of a challenge.

I recommend going to both places, honestly, since the museum isn’t big. But no matter where you go, be sure to have fun!

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