The Living Yearbook of East Brunswick High School

Senior Spotlight Volume 1: Passions that Pave Career Paths

Two talented young women incorporating their passions into their futures.

February 13, 2023

Alex Corallo holding up her choir folder and a tambourine representing her love for music.

As seniors look ahead to their future, it is everyone’s hope they choose a path that reflects their passions. Alex Corallo and Allision Yang were both able to implement their shared passion of art heading into college. With landing the role of Jo March in Little Women this past spring, Alex is taking the musical approach, as she plans to attend Berklee college of Music, majoring in contemporary vocal performance and minoring in musical theater performance. Allison who excels in art more visually, specifically shown through her work in AP art, is choosing to major in bioethics while still entertaining her passion by minoring in art. Both heading into competitive industries, Alex looks ahead at her future and notes that “It is definitely risky, and when I tell people that I am going to school for music, the response is usually a bit doubtful” however listening to their hearts and being honest with themselves, is worth the risk.

Sparking interest young, Alex started singing for her own enjoyment, where she found her love for music. Instead of focusing on other people’s opinions and judgment, she focused on herself, allowing her “to succeed even further and do things that [she] never thought [she] could do.” She learned to love singing for herself, and was able to mature through “different experiences that have allowed [her] to further understand [herself] and gain more confidence.” As singing has become such a huge part of her life and self-development, it’s incredible to see her implement her talent and hardwork into her future.

Withered Rose by Allison Yang

While some kids played with toys in their youth, Allison describes how “oddly enough, sitting for hours at a time staring at an apple and drawing it was really appealing” to her. As she found enjoyment in art, she was able to focus on it and as she grew older her art matured into beautiful messages. She began creating pieces that symbolizing bioethical dilemmas, and not just pieces based off the apple in her kitchen. As she spends the next 4 years studying bioethics, she can combine her two passions together as art “serves as a vehicle for introspection and self-reflection along with being a means to express [her] thoughts about different controversies today.”

Keeping your passions close to your heart is something everyone can learn from these two young women. Both incredibly talented, their future is bright. As they come to an end of their highschool years, they leave EBHS with the satisfaction of knowing they’ve stayed true to themselves, and their passions.

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