The Living Yearbook of East Brunswick High School

Dream 1: June 2, 2022

June 21, 2022


This visual interpretation of my dream is self-explanatory. I depicted the ending of the dream where the weeds pop up from my ground and trap me in my house. The paper collage is a recreation of my actual prom dress.

This dream occurred the night before prom and it also centered around prom and prom preparations, so I think it’s fair to say that this dream was a manifestation of all the anticipation surrounding the big senior dance.

The dream started off with me arriving home after the half-day. Keep in mind that I mostly dream in third-person, so I am watching myself just as you, the reader, might be imagining this dream as you read. As I walked into my house, I saw a black cat walking through my front yard. A black cat is a well-known symbol of bad luck in many pieces of folklore and urban legends, but according to Ms. Alimonti’s dream resource, dreaming of a black cat can also mean that I am “experiencing some fear in using your psychic abilities and believing in [my] intuition”.

After seeing the black cat, I immediately went inside to eat my lunch and get ready for prom. I’m not sure why, but instead of getting ready in my bedroom, I was getting ready in my basement- but my brain made it feel like my room. After I was done getting ready, I went upstairs to show my mom the final look and put my corsage on. However, when I went to put the corsage on, I noticed that there were bugs crawling in the white roses of the arrangement and the petals were withered and browning. This itself seems like a bad omen, but confirms that “to see withered or dead flowers in your dream denotes disappointments and gloomy situations.” I am afraid of bugs in real life, dream-me is too, so I tried to shake the bugs out of my corsage, but as I did, some of the petals fell to the ground. As the petals touched the ground, weeds sprung up from the tile floor in their place. They slowly wrapped around me, holding me in place and rendering me unable to move and leave my house. The more I struggled against the weeds, the tighter they wrapped themselves around me, almost like they were alive. Weeds are another bad omen, they can be interpreted as a sign of neglect or despair. I think that describes perfectly what I was going through during this dream.

That’s about all I can remember from this particular dream. I’m sure more happened or maybe the scene completely switched and I somehow ended up happily dancing with my friends at prom. That’s what I like about recalling my dreams: they throw me into crazy situations where I’m forced to analyze my own behaviors and think about myself and my personality in a different way.

What would I do if crazy monster weeds trapped me in my house right before my senior prom (which, in reality, was a really fun experience)? What would you do? That’s something I’ll leave you to ponder as I move on to recording to my next dream.

This visual interpretation of my dream is self-explanatory. I depicted the ending of the dream where the weeds pop up from my ground and trap me in my house. The paper collage is a recreation of my actual prom dress.

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