The Living Yearbook of East Brunswick High School

Stop Watching and Start Talking

Here in the high school, homeroom provides underclassmen the opportunity to have their voices heard.

December 15, 2021

Nicholas Maroun, 10, stands in front of his Homeroom class and discusses the  possible recommendations they plan to give to Dr. Vinella during the Principals Council meeting.

Derek Maniquiz

Nicholas Maroun, 10, stands in front of his Homeroom class and discusses the possible recommendations they plan to give to Dr. Vinella during the Principal’s Council meeting.

This year, the new homeroom periods provide underclassmen- whose opinions can sometimes be overlooked in favor of seniors- with the opportunity to have their voices heard about various happenings around the school.

Alina Chen, a sophomore, loves that the students are getting more opportunities to be involved in school-wide decisions: “Having Homeroom representatives, Class Council, Student Council, and Principal’s Council meetings give me more of a voice here in the school.”

Taking account of student opinions is also very important to the administration at the high school. Any feedback or recommendation given to staff is carefully taken note of. Dr. Vinella talked to the Hub about the increase of students’ voices. He said, “I expect that for this school year, students would have more of a voice and opportunity to talk about concerns and recommendations that they have.”

During Homeroom periods and Principal’s Council meetings, underclassmen receive information about school-wide activities and are able to connect with their peers in a new way.

Sophomore Alina Chen is excited that she was elected as class council president. She hopes that with her position, she can help more student body speeches be heard in school.

As EBHS provides various chances for underclassmen to be an active part of the school community, the school transforms into a more inclusive and fun environment for the entire student body.

I’m really glad I’m able to improve the school community. I encourage everyone to try and do the same within their own Homeroom periods and contribute to the school community.

— Alina Chen (10)

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