The Living Yearbook of East Brunswick High School

Mr. Elias teaches a mathematics lesson while incorporating OneNote.


Grab your calculators and graphing paper and get ready to indulge in the magic of math.

October 29, 2021

While some students may be struggling with the transition back to in-person learning, the EBHS math department continues to provide support and encouragement to ensure students receive the help they need to succeed. With a variety of math courses such as Algebra, Calculus, and Statistics, students have many opportunities to get engaged and explore the magic of math.

Mrs.Yoselevich, for example, incorporates interactive labs into her teaching, allowing students to collect their own data and later analyze it in her Advanced Placement Statistics class. Mrs. Cisnero mentions that her favorite part about being back in person is “being able to directly talk to my students” and that the “atmosphere of the classroom is amazing.”

Another new component to this school year is block scheduling, which the math department has been adjusting to efficiently. Mrs. Caponigro, who is in her fifth year of teaching, says she can “do more with the class period and dive deeper rather than just skimming the surface.” Some teachers, however, are worried, expressing that they have “less time for teaching before the AP Exam in May.” While this may be a challenge, the mathematics department is embracing the positives that come with block scheduling.

Despite the changes the math department has seen this year, their resilience and determination is what shines through, fostering a supportive environment for students to learn.

While some students may be struggling with the transition back to in-person learning, the EBHS math department continues to provide support and encouragement to ensure students receive the help they need to succeed. With a variety of math courses such as Algebra, Calculus, and Statistics, students have many opportunities to get engaged and explore the magic of math.

Mrs.Yoselevich, for example, incorporates interactive labs into her teaching, allowing students to collect their own data and later analyze it in her Advanced Placement Statistics class. Mrs. Cisnero mentions that her favorite part about being back in person is “being able to directly talk to my students” and that the “atmosphere of the classroom is amazing.”

Another new component to this school year is block scheduling, which the math department has been adjusting to efficiently. Mrs. Caponigro, who is in her fifth year of teaching, says she can “do more with the class period and dive deeper rather than just skimming the surface.” Some teachers, however, are worried, expressing that they have “less time for teaching before the AP Exam in May.” While this may be a challenge, the mathematics department is embracing the positives that come with block scheduling.

Despite the changes the math department has seen this year, their resilience and determination is what shines through, fostering a supportive environment for students to learn.

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