The Living Yearbook of East Brunswick High School

Chicken Kebabs

Try out this easy chicken kebabs recipe for an extra kick of flavor at your dinner table!

May 4, 2021


These chicken kebabs are quick, easy, and fun to make. Grab a family member and get started on this colorful treat! You won’t regret it!

-2 lb mince chicken thigh
-1 yellow onion
-1 small beet
-5-6 garlic cloves, minced
-2-3 tbsp parsley
-1 large jalapeno diced
-1 egg
-½ cup breadcrumbs
-1 tsp garlic powder
-Salt and pepper

1. In a bowl, grate the onion and beet (make sure to squeeze out as much water as you can and discard)
2. Add the minced garlic cloves, parsley, jalapenos, and egg and mix altogether
3. Add the breadcrumbs, garlic powder, minced chicken thigh, and salt and pepper to taste. Mix altogether.
4. Cover the bowl and let sit in the fridge for 30 minutes. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F.
5. After 30 minutes, take the bowl out of the fridge. Wet your hands, then scoop some chicken into your hands and form a cylindrical ball shape. Shape the chicken into kebabs, using two skewers at a time.
6. Load the skewers onto a flat pan. Bake in the oven for 45 minutes (or however long the kebabs take to cook fully) at 400 degrees F. Remember to flip them every 15 minutes.
7. After cooking, brush the kebabs with melted butter and garnish with parsley.
8. Enjoy!

*Optional: Serve these kebabs with cucumber yogurt sauce!
1. Grate half a cucumber and drain all excess liquid.
2. Add 1 cup of plain Balkan style yogurt (Greek is fine too).
3. Add 2-3 tbsp parsley, juice from ½ lemon, 3-4 minced garlic cloves, salt to taste, and a splash of water. Mix altogether and serve with kebabs!

This cucumber yogurt sauce only takes a few minutes to make!

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