The Living Yearbook of East Brunswick High School

The Swimming Spirit

The Boys Swim Team here at EBHS is one of the most closely bonded and attached groups in the school. With their kind of spirit, nothing can top them.

If there’s one word to describe the EBHS Boys Swim Team, it’d be camaraderie. Together they are a tightly-knit fraternity, persevering through any challenge that comes their way through dedication and commitment.

For most of us, swimming is a fun summertime activity, but these swimmers know it’s much more than that. Everyday, they must give it their all in order to represent EBHS. Coach Nicholas Russo says “I can always count on this team to show up, work hard, and put their best foot forward on a consistent basis.” Through their continued efforts, the Swim Team has gotten very close over this school year. Benjamin Hong, 12, explained that “Some of my closest friends are on the team. I met lots of people I wouldn’t have the chance to meet otherwise.” Other members have shared similar experiences.

Time and time again, the Boys Swim Team has continued to impress at practices at games. Filled to the brim with passion and brotherhood, these young men have promising roads ahead, and the Swim Team is at its greatest thanks to their dedication to the sport.

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