The Living Yearbook of East Brunswick High School
Seniors, Thomas Valenti Jr., Bryan Bellantoni, and Michael Pepe are ecstatic at the top of the famed Rocky Steps at the Philadelphia Museum of Art. With the wind in their hair and such a beautiful overcast, they can’t help but smile and feel like they’re on top of the world just like Rocky.

Running Through Philly

“Do you like having a good time? Then you need a good watch!" ~ Rocky Balboa (Rocky II, 1979) Read on to see how EBHS Humanities students had a good time in Philly!

April 23, 2020

From the windows of the yellow school bus, through the fog and the rain, the many buildings that make up the grand city of Philadelphia stand tall. To the left, the Humanities students of EBHS spot their first destination of the Philly Trip: the Reading Terminal Market. With their palms pressed against the glass, they look out with excitement and smiles upon their faces. “We have arrived at the market, children.” announces Mr. Davis (better known as JD). He continues saying “At the market there’s lots of good food. There’s danish donuts right in front when you walk in, and sandwiches. They have THE best pastrami sandwich, THE best I’ve ever had, and I highly recommend you go try it. Meet us back at the front by 11:15, okay?”

Now even more eager and also hungry, the students hop off the bus. Raindrops drizzle onto them as they walk into the market. Entering through the doors, everyone is immediately swept off the floor by the blend of intriguing aromas which fill the air. Mesmerized by bakers in their white aprons, kneading large batches of silky, light brown dough for chocolate chip cookies and donuts, the ever so curious students break off to go explore. The numerous bright neon signs in red, blue, pink just about every color, glow overhead and lead the way. Screaming out “Cheesesteaks,” “Hunger Burger,” and “Dessert” to name a few, they catch everyone’s eyes, and some stop to stare at them, soon being put into a light trance by the illumination overhead. Within the market, stands are filled with so many things. From savory to sweet treats, homemade jellies and candles, wooden toys, and flowers, it’s quite a lot to take in, but together they create an astonishing sight and a wonderful experience.

Continuing their trip, now with their bellies full, the Humanities students load onto the bus and head to their second and last stop: the Philadelphia Museum of Art. As an iconic destination in Philadelphia, everyone is very eager to visit the museum, not just for the remarkable works of art inside, but for the famous 72 stone steps in front. Just about every single person hopes to fulfill their dream of running up the steps with Bill Conti’s “Gonna Fly Now” playing, just like Sylvester Stallone did as Rocky Balboa in his Academy Award winning, 1976 film, Rocky. Getting to see the Rocky statue is also on their list. Despite having a long wait to get into the museum, the students make the most of their time at the museum, making a point to take in as much of the art as they can. Within the museum, the art takes them on a journey through time, from classic pieces by Monet, Picasso, and even DaVinci. Michael Pepe, 12, shares that “It’s honestly pretty crazy to see all these paintings. I remember learning about them when I was younger, but I honestly really put into perspective that these super famous paintings are right in front of me. They are really cool, with all of their colors and intricate designs, and they just give off a special feel to them. It’s pretty cool.” To top off this extraordinary trip, many students are joyous to finally get to see the Rocky statue and run up those steps. Senior, Alex Bogomolny even played “Gonna Fly Now” on his phone as he ran up them with fellow senior, Gabe Nesser, unlocking his inner Rocky. “When running up those steps, it truly felt like you were in the scene of the movie [Rocky]. Running up the signature steps, gave me an accelerating rush.” he recalls.

For Humanities students, the Philly Trip can be summed up in one word: unforgettable. This was truly a trip filled with moments and experiences that every student will surely look back on with a smile for years to come.

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