The Living Yearbook of East Brunswick High School
Sean Ring, 12, has a huge smile on his face as he enjoys his final homecoming dance.

The Magical Night of Homecoming

Fastening the last button on their shirts, adjusting their collars, and straightening their bow ties; zipping up their dresses, strapping on their heels, and perfecting their jewelry; students arrive in elegance to East Brunswick High School’s annual homecoming dance.

November 15, 2019

Boys and girls walk in with their friends, some with their significant others, entering a world straight out of a fairytale. Hundreds of beautiful smiling faces, and eyes sparkling with excitement as students walk past windows covered with decorations inspired by the story of Alice and Wonderland, Aladdin, and Cinderella. The night is young and as magical as the world of Disney. Truly a night to remember.

Delicious treats line the way towards the dance floor, their aromas filling the air. Suddenly, the room becomes dark, then illuminated by fairy lights of an array of colors, and the DJ announces that the party is just getting started. Soon after, crowds of students rush to dance as the first note of “Mr. Brightside” by The Killers begins to play. “‘Mr. Brightside’ is such a classic. It really puts people in the mood and hoco is not complete without it. I can still remember screaming the song with everyone, jumping and dancing around on the crowded floor. I had a really good time,” recalled Bella Pereira, 12, after the dance. Without a doubt, homecoming 2019 was a successful night filled with smiles, elegance, and magic in the air.

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