Battle of the Door Decorators

The top three homerooms to have the best door decorations for December win a yummy reward. Who will win?


Brianna Boen

Mrs. Yoselevich and seniors Jamie Cavallo, Julia Bognar, Lana Cepeda and Kathryn Campovede decorate their homeroom door in hopes for the prize. When asked how the theme was brought into action, Yoselevich says “we all brainstormed different choices in class, but the students worked together to come up with a Polar Express door idea.”

Brianna Boen, Bear Hub Staff

JD and seniors Debby Chuya and Zewong Choi prepare their door as a gingerbread house design. Each student is making a representation of themselves as a gingerbread, for example Weilin (12) has chosen to make herself as a whale gingerbread (as shown in Zewongs hands). They plan on going all out to have the best looking door in the hallway. (Brianna Boen)

This year each homeroom puts their creativity together to decorate their doors in an attempt to win cookies from Student Council and a free breakfast provided by Dr. Vinella. In this competition, students as well as their homeroom teacher brainstorm winter holiday ideas and contribute in decorating their doors.

Teachers are more than excited to get involved with their students in the planning and decorating aspects.

“I think it’s a great idea” Mrs. Yoselevich said when asked how she feels about door decorating. “I didn’t even have to ask my students to do it; they immediately started coming up with ideas for our door and wanted to get involved.”

She feels this is an opportunity for her homeroom to grow even closer… if that’s even possible.

“Our homeroom is very close; we all talk to each other everyday and I got very lucky with everyone in it this year because they’re all very active and that’s great.”

Keep a heads up for Dr. Vinella on the announcements to see who will be the lucky three winners of the many dazzling doors among the halls of EBHS.