Carpool to School

Getting Back Into the Daily Morning Rhythm

Brandon Eigen, 12, and Asmee Shitoley, 12, get in the car as their school day is about to begin.

Brandon Eigen, 12, and Asmee Shitoley, 12, get in the car as their school day is about to begin.

As the school year progresses, everyone is settling into their daily rhythms, which for many now consists of carpooling to and from school with their friends. Senior students Brandon Eigen and Asmee Shitoley carpool to school together and enjoy having that time to hang out prior to starting the school day.

Brandon Eigen says “It sets a good tone for the rest of the day and is a fun part of being able to be back in person.”

Although autumn mornings are dark and cold, they enjoy warming up their drive by listening to music together– an essential part of their morning routine. Asmee Shitoley comments, “I love listening to music on the drive and the good energy it gives off.”

Although carpooling may not be an extraordinary experience, after spending a lot of time apart due to distance learning, it’s nice to appreciate the little things and enjoy a daily ride together.

If you’d like to take a listen to the playlist Brandon and Asmee play on the way to school, it’s linked below!