Special Connections in Special Education

EBHS’s Special Education Department is all about embracing our differences- but also recognizing our similarities.


Mrs. Hannum is passionate about teaching in the Special Education department and loves all her students. When asked if there was one thing that could define the Special Ed Department, she told the Hub: “We really care about our kids, you know? Everyone is so different and when the students leave the school, there’s always this sense of hoping and wondering how they’re doing, and if they’re safe.”

Alefiya Presswala, Bear Hub Editor

The students and staff in the Special Education department form a tight knit community at EBHS, where everyone is unique, but always welcome and accepted. Like Mrs. Hannum says, “although we are different, we are similar and most humans only want the same thing; happiness, love and health.”

A few different lessons of Mrs. Hannum’s focus on diversity and different cultures. One of her favorite activities that she enjoyed doing with her students included various cultural foods. “Each student who wanted to participate would bring in a food or dish on something that they would have at a holiday for important family dinner. We sit at a table together and talk about how our families celebrate holidays and how the food they brought in is important for that occasion. It was really fun.”

She told the Hub about some of the ups and downs of teaching in the Special Education department: “People think that we just stand around and watch our kids and don’t really do anything, but it’s a lot. Every student is different and we all learn in different ways, so we need to come up with lesson plans that address everyone’s needs. It’s our job to make everyone feel safe. And the job is very fulfilling. I love talking to the kids.”

Like many of the teachers at EBHS, the return back to in-person learning has brought around a sense of relief and joy. For the Special Education department especially, in-person school and block scheduling has resulted in positive changes.

“The day I saw one of my students walk without assistance [was one of my favorite moments].”

— Ms. Blore

According to Special Ed teacher Ms. Blore, the block scheduling gives students “time to be more independent.” Ms. Miller added that she enjoys “having more time to work on projects without feeling the need to rush.”

The emphasis on that special teacher-student connection seems to be a common theme within the Special Education department. As Ms. Miller told the Hub, “They make it a great place to come to everyday!