Synchronously or Asynchronously?

Bear Hub asked 74 students how they prefer to learn during this time: Synchronously or Asynchronously?


Trinity McDonald, Bear Hub Staff

These past few weeks have been peculiar for the staff and students of EBHS due to the recent Corona virus pandemic. EBHS has closed the school to help try and prevent the spread of the virus. However, this doesn’t mean that the students get a break from school. EBHS has transitioned over to online learning. Teachers will give students their work on canvas and have them submit assignments by a certain time. This gives students a chance to work by themselves rather than a classroom setting. There is an alternative to grant teachers the power to create a huge video call through Zoom in order to talk and teach their students making it similar to a classroom setting. Bear Hub asked 74 students how they prefer to learn during this time: Synchronously or Asynchronously?

Despite students having been in a classroom setting their whole school life 59.5% of them preferred to work asynchronously.  Senior Kylie Boen explains, “I like being able to go at my own pace and have time to do other activities I usually wouldn’t have time for like drawing, working out, or learning something new.” Being at home and having the time to create new hobbies or get reacquainted with your old ones is a huge plus.

On the other hand, 40.5% of students preferred to learn synchronously. Students think it is easier to be in a classroom setting than having to learn everything at home. Senior Alexa Olsen claims that “learning through a computer can never compare to learning face to face.” In the end, it doesn’t matter how we learn, as long as we learn something!